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*We are committed to keeping your information confidential. We do not sell or rent our membership lists.
NYCRF Mission:

  • To promote and encourage the sport of fishing, including surfcasting, baitcasting, flycasting, and other
    forms of fishing.
  • To aid in the formulation and establishment of sound policies and practices designed to conserve,
    restore, protect, and safely regulate natural marine resources in this state.​
  • To monitor and lobby against legislative activities which would infringe on the rights and privileges of the
    New York coastal recreational fisherman. To also monitor and lobby for legislation that supports the
    object and purpose of the NYCRF. To foster and insure communication with all interested members,
    organizations, and private individuals on the above stated goals.​
  • To preserve the access and fishing rights of the New York coastal recreational fisherman.​

To enter into contracts and agreements and to do any acts necessary to further its charitable purposes.


I Confirm and Understand That:

  •  I am aged 18 or older.
  •  I share and support the mission of the New York Coalition for Recreational Fishing.


Rather download a form and mail us a check? No problem. Just contact us at  or    631-424-4577and we’ll send you a form.


“A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.”

John James Audubon